

50,000+ Start-ups

We have helped 50,000+ start-ups all around the world and help them to reached new heights in minimal time.


8+ Years of Experience

We are experts in our field, our team has over 8 years of experience.


250+ Locations

We are located in 250+ different locations in India.


Privacy & Security

Privacy & Security of a Customer is paramount. We ensure your payment, company & personal details are protected at the highest level.

Services We Offered

(We make technical compliance certifications effortless and convenient.)

Due Diligence

In the world of business transactions and investments, due diligence stands as a critical process to assess and verify the accuracy of information before making informed decisions.

Virtual CFO Services

In the fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape of India, companies are increasingly turning to Virtual CFO services to harness financial expertise without the burden of hiring a full-time Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Accounts Payable Service

In the realm of financial management, effective handling of accounts payable holds significant importance for businesses in India.


Accounting and bookkeeping services are essential components of financial management for businesses of all sizes. They involve recording, organizing, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions and information to ensure accurate and transparent financial records. Here's an overview of accounting and bookkeeping services. Accountants prepare financial statements, including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, to summarize the financial performance and position of a business over a specific period.

In summary, accounting and bookkeeping services are essential functions that help businesses maintain accurate financial records, comply with regulations, make informed decisions, and achieve their financial goals. Whether provided in-house or outsourced to external professionals, these services play a critical role in the financial management and success of organizations across industries.


Pros and Cons of Start-ups


More opportunities to learn


Flexible hours

Innovation is encouraged

Increased Responsibility


Risk of failure

High Stress

Having to raise capital

Competitive business environment



Certainly! Here's a detailed breakdown of accounting and bookkeeping services, covering why they are essential, how they are conducted, and their significance. Accurate accounting and bookkeeping provide transparency into a company's financial health, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions, assess performance, and plan for the future. In summary, accounting and bookkeeping services are essential functions that provide businesses with financial transparency, compliance assurance, decision-making support, and risk management capabilities. They are conducted through meticulous recording, reconciliation, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and integrity in financial records. Ultimately, these services contribute to the overall success, growth, and sustainability of businesses in today's competitive marketplace.

Why Choose GST & IT Buddies?

We have Better Business Models
Most of our teams has founded a start-up or worked for 5+ years in an innovative company. We know how innovative business models can be developed, tested, and implemented through startup methods & tools.
We have a Worldwide Reach
For past 8+ years we have delivered innovation outcomes across various countries & industries. As a result, we have a worldwide network of start-ups, partners & experts across 80+ countries.
We Deliver Results on Time
We never lose sight of the important things. Delivering innovation to solve real people’s problems while at the same time returning the investments.

Our Achievements


8+ Years of Experience


500+ Startup Consultants


20+ Countries


25k+ Startups Registered


Some testimonials from our customers