

50,000+ Start-ups

We have helped 50,000+ start-ups all around the world and help them to reached new heights in minimal time.


8+ Years of Experience

We are experts in our field, our team has over 8 years of experience.


250+ Locations

We are located in 250+ different locations in India.


Privacy & Security

Privacy & Security of a Customer is paramount. We ensure your payment, company & personal details are protected at the highest level.

Services We Offered

(We make technical compliance certifications effortless and convenient.)

12AB & 80G Registration

In India, nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in addressing social issues and uplifting communities.

NGO CSR-1 Filing

In India, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an integral aspect of businesses' commitment to give back to society.

NGO CSR Consultancy

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a crucial aspect of businesses, wherein companies actively contribute to societal well-being.

Strike off Section 8 Companies

Section 8 companies, also known as non-profit organizations, are established with the primary objective of promoting social welfare and charitable activities.

Society Act 1958

The "Society Act 1958" is a piece of legislation that regulates the formation and operation of societies or associations in certain jurisdictions. While there isn't a specific "Society Act 1958" that applies universally, I can provide a general internal description based on typical provisions found in similar acts:

Trust Act 1882

The "Trusts Act 1882" is a foundational legal statute governing the establishment, management, and dissolution of trusts in certain jurisdictions. It outlines procedures for creating trusts, defining trustee duties and powers, protecting beneficiaries' rights, and providing mechanisms for trust variation or termination.

Section 8(Company Act 2013) Reg.

Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 pertains to the formation of companies with charitable objectives or those promoting commerce, art, science, sports, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, protection of the environment, or any such other object.

Niti Ayog (Darpan) Reg.

The NGO Darpan is a portal that acts as an interface between (NGOs) and government departments. It is an initiative started by the National Informatics Centre and NITI Aayog. When NGOs complete the Darpan registration, it helps them to receive essential and timely updates regarding government grants and other benefits.

E- Anudaan

Ministry Of Social Justice And Empowerment has started an initiative e Anudan registration online, which will enable (NGOs) to register online and log in when they want to apply for Grant-in-aid to get benefits of various schemes of the Ministry for social cause.

An Overview Of Start-Ups

Start-ups are companies or ventures that are focused on a single product or service that the founders want to bring to market. Such companies do not have a fully developed business model & lack adequate capital to move onto the next phase of business. In initial times, most of these companies are funded by their founders.

Many Start-ups turn to others for more funding including family, friends & venture capitalists. Silicon Valley is known for its strong venture capitalist communication & is a popular destination for startups, but it is also widely considered the most demanding field.


Pros and Cons of Start-ups


  • More opportunities to learn

  • Flexibility

  • Flexible hours

  • Innovation is encouraged

  • Increased Responsibility


  • Risk of failure

  • High Stress

  • Having to raise capital

  • Competitive business environment


How Do You Start A Star-Up Company?

First, you must have a great idea. From there, market research is the next step to determine how realistic the idea is & what the current marketplace looks like for your idea. After the market research, create an effective business plan that outlines your Company Structure, mission, objectives, values, and goals.

One of the most vital steps is obtaining funding. This can come from savings, investors, family/friends, or loan. After raising funds, ensure you have done all the correct legal & paperwork. This means registering your business & obtaining any required permits or licenses. After this, establish a business location.

Why Choose GST & IT Buddies?

We have Better Business Models
Most of our teams has founded a start-up or worked for 5+ years in an innovative company. We know how innovative business models can be developed, tested, and implemented through startup methods & tools.
We have a Worldwide Reach
For past 8+ years we have delivered innovation outcomes across various countries & industries. As a result, we have a worldwide network of start-ups, partners & experts across 80+ countries.
We Deliver Results on Time
We never lose sight of the important things. Delivering innovation to solve real people’s problems while at the same time returning the investments.

Our Achievements


8+ Years of Experience


500+ Startup Consultants


20+ Countries


25k+ Startups Registered


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